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Veggie Magma - Barley & Vegetable 5.3 oz powder

Veggie Magma - Barley & Vegetable 5.3 oz powder

Veggie Magma - Barley & Vegetable 5.3 oz powder
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What Is It? An excellent source vegetable nutrition, as well as an all-natural energy drink. Green Magma has been combined with 16 vegetables, carefully selected for their profound health benefits.

What Does It Do? Veggie Magma provides the body with antioxidants, active enzymes, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and chlorophyll and many other important phytonutrients. Veggie Magma offers nutritional support for enhanced digestion, antioxidant protection against free radicals, and the gentle detoxifying effects of chlorophyll and other "green" nutrients .

Key Points:

All natural, organically grown
16 added vegetables
Helps protect against free radicals
Gentle detoxifying effects

Detailed Product Description:

The following are brief descriptions of Veggie Magma's ingredients:

Alfalfa: Nutrient rich with vitamins A D, E, and K, phosphorous, iron, potassium, magnesium and calcium. Also rich in trace minerals and its alkalinity helps the body assimilate proteins. It contains a group of compound known as saponins which lower blood levels of cholesterol by combining with fats in the digestive tract, thereby allowing the body to excrete them.

Aloe Vera: contains calcium, potassium, sodium, manganese, iron, zinc, and lecithin. Aloe Vera also has twenty of twenty-two amino acids, including ten essential amino acids.

Barley Grass: is alkaline and abundant in vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and active enzymes. Its deep green color is due to its large amount of natural chlorophyll, a well-known cleanser and deodorizer. Superoxide dismutase, an enzyme important in neutralizing free radicals in our cells, is found in large amounts in barley grass. Barley grass is also rich in potassium, calcium and magnesium and, by weight, it has more vitamin C than oranges and more iron than spinach.

Broccoli: contains sulforaphane, which may have antimutagenic properties. Broccoli is also a rich source of carotenoids, vitamin C, and folate.

Broccoli Sprouts: have recently been found by scientists at Johns Hopkins University to contain 30-50 times more sulforaphane than mature broccoli. Sulforaphane belongs to a class of phytochemicals known as isothiocyanates, which are known to strongly stimulate the body's natural detoxifying enzymes.

Carrots: are one of the best sources of alpha- and beta-carotene, two antioxidants that inhibit free radical formation. These two carotenoids also are used by the body to produce vitamin A. Carrots contain moderate amounts of glutathione, a compound that helps to recycle vitamin E and has been shown to increase the body's production of white blood cells. Carrots are also known to strengthen the eyes.

Celery: is plentiful in vitamins A and C, calcium, folic acid, and potassium.

Garlic: contains allylic sulfides which may possess antimutagenic properties, enhance immune function and offer cardiovascular protection. Allylic sulfides have also been found to inhibit fungal parasite growth, as well as reduce both cholesterol levels and blood platelet adhesion. Similar to cruciferous vegetables, garlic stimulates liver detoxification enzymes and helps to counteract microbial toxins.

Ginger Root: stimulates digestion and acts as an antioxidant preventing lipid peroxidation.

Green Pepper: contains vitamin C and has antimicrobial properties.

Kale: like broccoli, contains sulforaphane and other isothiocyanates. It also contains a rich variety of nutrients and phytochemicals - four times as much beta-carotene as broccoli, more vitamin C than oranges, the highest concentration of lutein (a carotenoid antioxidant), and high amounts of antioxidant bioflavonoids, known to be important for cardiovascular health.

Maltodextrin: is not a simple sugar but a complex carbohydrate that protects enzymes and other phytonutrients in Veggie Magma from oxidation and degradation. It does not cause rapid changes in blood sugar levels and is, therefore, safe for diabetics.

Red Beets: are alkaline, contain high amounts of phosphorous and potassium, and stimulate digestion.

Shiitake Mushroom: contains the anti-mutagen polysaccharide, lentinin, and has a high concentration of vitamin B complex, including vitamin B12 (a B vitamin that may be lacking in vegetarian diets). Other compounds in Shiitake may help lower cholesterol.

Spinach: is high in blood-building iron, chlorophyll, folic acid, and beta-carotene and has moderate amounts of the antioxidant glutathione.

Tomatoes: are a rich source of lycopene, an antioxidant caroteniod. Tomatoes also contain high amounts of vitamin C, potassium, folic acid, beta-carotene, gamma-carotene, glutathione, bioflavonoids and other phytonutrients important for good health.
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*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
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